Operation - Reach Out

Our Deacons Ministry exists to take care for the membership of Christian Fellowship Center.

Our Deacons Ministry exists to take care for the membership of Christian Fellowship Center. We serve you by helping you to remain connected with the church during times of difficulty or illness. Our goal is to be aware of any extra ordinary needs you may have and help to meet that need, this includes visiting you when you are sick or confined.

The Deacons here will:

1. Keep in touch with you, a member of CFC to address any special needs when appropriate, and also to answer any specific questions as they relate to CFC.

2. Keep an open line of communication between the church and you regarding church related activities and upcoming events.

3. Pray and encourage you

4. Keep the Pastoral Staff informed of any special concerns/needs that you may have. If you have need to inform of us of a special need you may have or if you are sick and we are unaware.

Please Call us at 973-742-2334.